제품소개 제품소개

제 품 명 Temperature Transmitter TTF300
The new generation of HART Temperature Transmitters
The TTF300 HART temperature transmitter in proven 2-wire technology features a multitude of new functions and enhanced diagnostic information. The driver-independent configuration possibilities of the TTF300 are new and unique through the LCD display controlled by temperature transmitter and the DSV401 (SMART VISION) device management tool or the FDT/DTM technology. The TTF300 is based on the latest technology and by 2008 will replace the proven head-mounted TH202 transmitters first introduced in 1998.
  • Universal sensor input (RTD, thermo couple, Ohm, mV)
  • Various sensor error-calibration possibilities (one point, two point, Callendar-van-Dusen)
  • Sensor Backup / autom. Sensor redundancy switching (2x Pt100 3-wire connection)
  • Freestyle characteristics (32 supporting points)
  • Output signal (temperature linear), 4…20 mA, HART signal
  • Accuracy 0.1 %, long-term stability 0.05 % per year
  • IP 66 / IP 67, NEMA 4X aluminum or stainless steel field-mount housing
  • Transmitter-controlled LCD display with TTF300 configuration options

Input (Sensor Type)
RTD Type (2-, 3- and 4-wire)/
minimal span
Pt 10...Pt 100...1000 / 10 K gem. IEC, JIS, MIL-Standard
Ni 100, Ni 120 / 10 K; Cu10, Cu100 / 10 K
Thermocouple TypeB, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T, U , D, C
Voltage-125...1100 mV
Resistance0...5000 Ω
Electrical Isolation (Input/Output)
Supply Voltage
11...42 V DC
Ex: 11...30 V DC
4...20 mA + HART signal
Explosion Protection
Intrinsically SafePTB: ATEX
II 1 G EEx [ia] ia IIC T6
FM, CSA (in preparation):
Class I, Div 1, Groups: A, B, C, D;
Class II, Div 1, Groups: E, F, G;
Class III
Non-sparkingPTB: ATEX
II 3 G EEx n A IIC T6
Non-IncendiveFM/CSA (in preparation):
Class I, Div. 2; Groups A, B, C, D
Class II, Groups: E, F, G; Class III
Dust-ExDMT: ATEX II 1 D IP 65 T 135°C
FlameproofPTB: ATEX II 1/2 G EEx d IIC T6
Explosion Proof
(acc to "Division" classification)
FM, CSA (in prparation):
Class I, Div 1, Groups: A, B, C, D; Class II, Class III, Div. 1, Groups; E, F, G
Special Features
Sensor adjustment, redundancy for 3-wire 2x Pt 100 connection, advanced diagnostic functions, customer specific linearization (32 supporting points)
Transmitter-controlled LCD-display with TTF300 configuration functionality
Configuration - Software Tools
DSV401 (SMART VISION) Device Management Tool; FDT/DTM-Technology
Configuration -- Handterminal
in preparation

Last edited 2006-04-28
1Analog and Intelligent Temperature Transmitters English
0.90 MB
Data sheet
2TTF300 - Field mounted Temperature Transmitter, HART, Pt 100 (RTD), thermocouples, electrical isolation English
0.73 MB
Declaration of conformity
3TTF300 - EC Declaration of Conformity English
0.06 MB
Operating instruction
4TTF300 - Field mounted Temperature Transmitter - Operating Instructions English
0.96 MB
      ■ 이전게시물 : TH202/TH202-Ex
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